選擇題:12 (A:2、B:4、C:2、D:4)
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
v   Why are you traveling here?
    You traveling here are why?
    You are why traveling here?
    Traveling here why you are?
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    At the market buying are you what thinking about?
v   What are you thinking about buying at the market?
    What are you buying thinking about at the market?
    What are you thinking buying about at the market?
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Eyes really my itch.
    My eyes itch really.
v   My eyes really itch.
    Itch my eyes really.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Probably tennis play Tom will tomorrow morning.
v   Tom will probably play tennis tomorrow morning.
    Tom tomorrow morning play tennis will probably.
    tomorrow morning play tennis probably Tom will.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    In the mountains hiking this weekend go let's.
    Let's hiking in the mountains go this weekend.
    This weekend in the mountains hiking let's go.
v   Let's go hiking in the mountains this weekend.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Don’t a house on land live in I?
    I live in a house don’t on land.
    Don’t I on land live in a house?
v   I don’t live in a house on land.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    The buildings in the world Taipei 101 the tallest is one of.
    Taipei 101 is tallest buildings in the world the one of.
v   Taipei 101 is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
    Taipei 101 the tallest the buildings in the world is one of.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Need kind of battery do you?
    Do you need what kind of battery?
    Do you kind of battery need what?
v   What kind of battery do you need?
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
v   Please tell me about your family.
    Tell me family please about your.
    Please about your tell me family.
    Family tell me please about your.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Nice looks your hair very today
    Today your hair nice looks very.
    Your hair very nice looks today.
v   Your hair looks very nice today.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    Quickly to me please the problem explain.
v   Please explain the problem to me quickly.
    Quickly to me explain the problem please .
    The problem quickly to me please explain.
Q   請找出正確順序的英文句子
    For advice often asks me Sarah.
v   Sarah often asks me for advice.
    Often Sarah for advice asks me.
    Me often asks Sarah for advice.

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