選擇題:15 (A:4、B:3、C:5、D:3)
Q   信件最後問候對方的方式,與收信者熟識的情形下,要使用何種表達方式?
    Yours sincerely,
    Yours respectfully,
v   Best regards,
Q   信件開頭招呼語的使用,如不認識對方,可使用?
    Hello there
    Dear friend
    My dear fellows
v   Dear Sir or Madam
Q   關於信件招呼語的使用,如果不知道收信人的婚姻狀況,要用?
v   Ms.
Q   以下何者非表達感激的方式?
v   Please let me know if……
    I would be grateful if……
    We would be obliged if……
    I would appreciate……
Q   信件結尾期待對方回覆,下列何者較不合適?
    I look forward to your reply.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
v   I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Q   以下書信目的寫法最不適切?
    I am writing to inform you that we will participate in the annual modern art exhibition this December.
    I am writing to tell you that we will have a trip to New Zealand next year.
    I am writing about the meeting appointment on July 20 th, 10 a.m.
v   I want to have a meeting.
Q   關於信件招呼語的使用,如果知道女性收信人的婚姻狀況,確認對方未婚,要用?
v   Miss
Q   收信愉快的英語表達方式為何?
    I hope you enjoy your vacation.
    Have a nice weekend.
v   I hope this email finds you well.
    I hope this card finds you in better health.
Q   I look forward to                 .
    meet you at the conference.
    make a phone call.
v   hearing from you.
    have a meeting.
Q   「目的」係敘明寫信用意,如提出邀請、資訊告知、洽詢業務等,何者非正確用法?
v   Thank you for your assistance.
    I am writing in reference to……
    I am writing about……
    I am writing regarding to……
Q   以下何者為表達感激的方式?
    I know nothing about…..
v   I would be grateful if……
    I apologize for……
    I am writing to enquire……
Q   信件最後問候對方的方式,如果信件一開頭有指明給特定人,但並不熟識的表達方式為何?
    Best wishes,
v   Yours sincerely,
    Best regards,
Q   信件的開頭介紹自己、解釋與對方的關係,下列何種寫法較不恰當?
    My name is Tina Chen. I received your email address from Mr. Martin.
v   I ask Mary about your contact information.
    My name is Tony Chen. We met at the Conference at Fullerton City Exhibition Center last month.
    I received your contact information from your colleague.
Q   信件結尾期待對方回覆,下列何者較為適切?
    I look forward to your reply asap.
    I hope you will reply my email tomorrow.
    I look forward to hearing from you by next Monday.
v   I look forward to your reply.
Q   下列哪種主旨的寫法容易被當成垃圾郵件?
v   Hello, my new friend
    Event Invitation for Director Liu
    Meeting Appointment: December 15th, 10:30 a.m.
    Smart City Mayors’ Summit on May 8th

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