是非題:3 (○:2、╳:1)
選擇題:7 (A:2、B:1、C:2、D:2)
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog
Q r According to the video, what does the narrator mean when he says, “Malaysia has some of the biggest paddy fields and oil palm plantations in the region, but its crop yield struggles.”?
  o Malaysia is known for its planting tips for rice and palm trees. The crop yields are quite good.
  d Most people in Malaysia are farmers and they struggle to stay alive due to the lack of food.
v d Although Malaysia has enough paddy fields and oil palm plantations, its crop yield does not meet their expectations.
  a Malaysians love rice and palm trees, and they can not live without them.
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e Deforestation occurs when humans destroy forests and replace them with cities, farmlands, and pasture lands. It usually leads to environmental degradation and biodiversity loss.
v y
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r After watching the video, Tina and Paul are discussing what they just learned. They need to organize the information for their project. However, Tina cannot recall this part. Please help them fill in the blanks.  Tina : Hey! Sorry to bother you, but I have to admit that I get distracted during the video. I don’t remember what the video just said about the advantages of using drones in agriculture. Do you know it? Paul : Haha. No need to apologize. I remember three of them: ______________, ______________, and _____________. I think those are enough for our projects.
  o reduce waste / replace the aging workforce / increase crop yields
  d decrease crop yields / increase cost and labor shortage / turn data into human knowledge
  d improve labor environment / maintain crop yields / arouse social awareness
v a increase crop yields / reduce cost and labor shortage /  turn human knowledge into data
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e In the video, the narrator says, “ALPAS II can fly for up to an hour while enduring scorching temperatures and corrosive chemicals.”The word “scorching” in this sentence is closest in meaning to…
v y hot
  e warm
  . cold
  r cool
  o   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q d In the interview, Abid says, “We enjoy flying the drone. When we use gadget and technology, this can make young people interest in agriculture.”The word “gadget” in this sentence is closest in meaning to…
  d a minor charger
  a a big appliance
  y a tedious method
v e a small device
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e Which sentence best describes the picture?
  . To avoid accidents, pilots need to learn how to measure the temperature of the field.
v r To optimize efficiency, flight routes are pre-programmed. Thus, the drone follows a programmed path set and is evaluated by the co-pilot .
  o To work happily, the flight routes are not pre-programmed. Thus, the drone can follow any instructions from pilots.
  d To decrease the chance of malfunction, the map data must load into the drone first.
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a After watching the video, Hannah is sorting out relevant information. However, she cannot recall this part. Please help her fill in the blanks. By using drones to carry out large-scale aerial imaging operations, farmers can clearly see which areas are ______________. Moreover, drones can automatically examine palm trees to determine ______________ and decide whether to spray pesticide.
v y underutilized or overcrowded / whether they are sick
  e underage or overweight / whether they are good
  y not good to plant / whether they are small
  e not crowded to plant / whether they are ripe
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r Adopting drone technology helps Malaysia to achieve higher crop yields. Drones use double the amount of pesticides of manual spraying, maximizing the use of pesticides. Most importantly, using more pesticides is also better for the environment.
v d
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a Deforestation can disrupt the water cycle, which in turn leads to drought. Furthermore, deforestation results in insufficient trees for absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, which causes the aggravation of global warming, climate change, and geographic impacts.
v y
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e In the interview, the interviewee says, “Agriculture is not a glamor career path for the younger generation. By using technologies, we attract the younger generation to get involved with traditional agriculture.”What does the narrator mean when he says, “Agriculture is not a glamor career path for the younger generation.”?
  . Young people don't like to work in the fields because they like to dress brightly.
  r Young people like to wear beautiful clothes and walk on the ridge.
v o Young people do not regard farming as a dream job.
  d Young people feel that agriculture is an ancient industry and not worth investing in.
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog

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