選擇題:20 (A:4、B:7、C:6、D:3)
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。I would like to _____  one table for five on tomorrow night at seven thirty.
v   (B)book
    (C)looking forward
Q   want to know anything about the nuts and bolts. 這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (B)detail
Q   請根據A所提的問題,從ABCD四個答案當中找出一個最適當的回答語句。
A: Do you have anything to declare?
    (A)Yes. It’s my boarding pass.
v   (B)No. It’s all my personal effects.
    (C)Yes. I have one suitcase comes with me.
    (D)Yes. I have one return ticket on the 15th of December.
Q   am going to spew. May I have a barf bag? 這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (C)airsick bag
Q   請根據問句A所提的問題內容,從ABCD四個答案當中找出一個最適當的回答語句。
A: United Airlines, this is Kelly, may I help you?
    (A)Yes, please hold the line.
    (B)Yes, I’d like to book a table for two persons.
v   (C)Yes, I’d like to reconfirm my flight reservation.
    (D)Yes, I’d like to check out, please.
Q   would like to rent a compact automobile for a few days. 這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (C)small
    (D) luxurious
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
Where__________ you be flying today?
v   (A) will
    (B) are
Q   請根據問句A所提的問題內容,從ABCD四個答案當中找出一個最適當的回答語句。
A: Do you have any vacancies for tomorrow night?
    (A)Sorry, we don’t take check.
v   (B)Do you have a reservation with us?
    (C)May I have your driver’s license?
    (D)Sorry, we don’t have any window seat available.
Q   請問I couldn’t agree with you more. 這句的句型和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個詞句句型最為接近?
    (A)I hate to agree with you.
    (B) I disagree with you.
    (C)I totally disagree with you.
v   (D)I totally agree with you.
Q   請問I’ll pick up the tab.這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (A)foot the bill
    (B)put the cart before the horse
    (C)throw the book at him
    (D)drop a line
Q   請問I would like to make a domestic call.這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (C)interior
Q   下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
We’re going to take off in a few minutes. Please __________ your seat belt.
v   (C)fasten
    (D) prohibited
Q   請問Smoking is not allowed at anytime, anywhere at this aircraft.這句話當中劃線黑斜體字和以下ABCD四個答案當中的那一個最為接近?
v   (A)prohibited
Q   請根據問句A所提的問題內容,從ABCD當中找出一個最適當的回答語句。
A: I wonder if you can tell me how to get to the baggage claims?
    (A)Don’t mention it.
    (B)Yes. I am new here.
    (C)You can’t miss it.
v   (D)Yes. Go straight along this hallway. It’s on the left-hand side.
Q   Please choose a correct answer for speaker   A: Hello. Jack. How was your trip in Japan?  B. ____________
    (A) I’ll be visiting my friend who is living in Japan next week.
v   (B)I had a very good time in Japan
    (C)I haven’t been to Japan before
    (D)Have you ever been to Japan before?
Q   請根據問句A所提的問題內容,從ABCD四個答案當中找出一個最適當的回答語句。
A: I’d like to make a reservation on your flight to New York.
    (A)My flight ticket is attached on page 9.
v   (B)Sure. When would you like to travel?
    (C)I’d like to pick up my flight ticket on next Monday.
    (D)That would be fine.
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
_____ will you be staying in the States?
v   (A)How long
    (B)How much
    (C)How about
    (D)How many
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
I’d like to _____ one single room for next Wednesday.
v   (B)book
    (C)fill out
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
You are absolutely no allowed to ________ at the school zone.
    (C)make face
v   (D)park
Q   請在以下劃有底線空白處填入適當的字。
Smoking is_________ at anytime, anywhere on this aircraft
    (A)prior to
    (B)looking forward
v   (C)prohibited

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