選擇題:12 (A:5、B:2、C:3、D:2)
Q   Mark was so angry with his boss. If you are in the adult ego state, how would you respond to him? (Single-answer question)
    You look very angry. Are you O.K?
    He sounds like s sly person. Be careful!
v   Probably, you could try this way to negotiate with him.
    That was really mean to do so.
Q   Peter: This process is too time-consuming. It must be changed.Cris: I know it! I also consider the alternative.In thiscommunication, what is Peter's ego state?(Single-answer question)
    Rebellious child ego state
    Adult ego state
v   Critical parent ego state
    Free child ego state
Q   What would you say if you are in the child ego state?
    He looks ridiculous.
v   Are you proud of me?
v   That's fantastic!
v   I'll do it my way!
Q   According to four keys to improve communication, what can you do to adjust you communication style? (Multiple-answer question)
v   Strive to keep winner position
v   Pay attention to the way of communicaiton
v   Perceive others
    Focus on yourself
Q   What description does it obviously show that the communication is influenced by intention?(Multiple-answer question)
v   I am trying to irritate you.
    The weather is very hot.
    I feel so sleepy.
v   I intend to find the faults with you.
Q   What are the nonverbal behaviors? (Multiple-answer question)
v   Speak with the condescending tone
v   Frown
v   Said impatiently
v   Sullen silently
Q   What are the good charges in the communication?(Multiple-answer question)
    I objected to what you said.
v   It's awfully good!
v   show your smile to the person
v   With exciting tone
Q   Sally: Let's overcome the setbacks together.Holly: I feel confident about us. Based on our experiences, we can find someway to work through it. What kind of life position are they in?(Single-answer question)
v   Winner position
    One-down position?
    One-up position
    Alienated position
Q   What kind of communication can be sorted into crossed transaction?(Multiple-answer question)
v   A: I want to travel all around the world by bike. B: It is a weird idea.
    A: What is 40 divided by 10?B: The answer is 4.
v   A: Please be on time.B: Well... I am a busy person.
    A: You feel exhausted, don't you?B: Thank you for understanding.
Q   What kind of verbal expression is used in the child ego state? (Single-answer question)
v   Spa is so comfortable.
    What is the reason of the problem?
    Don't be sad.
    What a lousy movie!
Q   When you talk to someone, you observed that she was worried and tense from what she said. What is the factor thatinfluences her communication?(Single-answer question)
    Personal history
v   Internal factors
    None of them
Q   Christie says "It is a good idea to be a volunteer in the non-profit organizations." to Matt.If Matt is in the one-down position, do you think how Matt responds to her? (Single-answer question)
    I think it is a silly idea.
    It sure is. Is there something good for me?
    I don't have time.
v   I have nothing to make the contribution.
Q   What are the factors that influence people's words in the communication process?(Multiple-answer question)
v   Intention
v   Personal history
    Types of questions
v   Internal factors
Q   Ruth: I can't fix the problem by myself.Dennis: I have taught you many times. Can't you ever learn?It is a crossed transaction. If you were Dennis, how would you improve your communication? (Single-answer question)
    Never mind.
    It is not difficult at all.
    Probably you don't have this talent.
v   It's O.K. Let me show you again.
Q   What are the features of complimentary transaction(Multiple-answer question)
v   predicted response
v   tense
Q   way we think and communicate with others is deeply influenced by the discipline of our parents and authority in the childhood. (True or False)
v   True
Q   Mrs. White: My child is disabled. What should I do?How would you respond to her if you are in the winner position? (Single-answer question)
    I am sorry for your fortune.
v   I believe that with the suitable educaiton, your child can still have good development.
    Did you have any bad habits when you carried the baby?
    Oppositely, my child is talented.
Q   Mark: Why don't we park the car in that spot?Dennis: No way. The space is too small. I don't want to have the kiss withanother one while backing the car. Mark: How about parking in the parking lot? It is much safer.Dennis: That's too far. We just drive around here to try our luck.What kind life position do you think that Dennis is in?(Single-answer question)
v   Alienated position
    One-down position
    One-up position
    Winner position
Q   You are so childish. (Said sarcastically)B: Come on! It's fun. (Said hilariously)This is the ulterior transaction. (True or False)
v   True
Q   Rachael: Ouch! I cut my finger. It is bleeding! How would you respond to her from your nurturing parent ego state? (Single-answer question)
    You should be careful! (Said impatiently)
v   It must be hurt. Let me put the bandage on it.
    Why did you hurt yourself?
    I don't want to see the blood.

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