選擇題:10 (A:3、B:3、C:2、D:2)
Q   What's the full name of NPM?
    National Program Manager
    National Palace Museum
    Network Performance Measurement
v   New Public Management
Q   About service charateristic, which of the following is incorrect?
v   Tangible
Q   In growth era's Japanese government, which of the following about its talent development charateristics is correct? (Multiple choice)
    Local government's talent development strategy is better than private company.
v   Civil servant's skills are specific at their local authority, if they relocate, their skills are no longer valid.
    When hiring, local government tend to hire one with more experience.
    If civil servants doesn't meet local government need, they couldn't fire them.
Q   Current civil service in Europe is sustainable.
Q   About currenct Japan talent development trend, which of the following is true?
    Both public and private sector are keen on investing in talent development in order to change the current
    Currently, Japan is seeking suitable talent development strategy to implement on both public and pirvate sector.
v   Salary increase and promotion opportunities are more concentrated in the elite, it can not effectively motivate staff.
    The school has a sound vocational training mechanism, so by the educational institutions foster the development of talent.
Q   Account of the Effective at Innovation service system, which of the following correct?
v   Service differentiation and can not meet the needs of users.
    We give you feel you need, rather than giving you tell us what you need.
    Top management of the allocation of resources to a total service provider in line with demand.
    To a total integrated services in line with users' needs.
Q   In Japan, public sector will learn from private sector management.
v   TRUE
Q   During growth era, which of the following is incorrect about Japanese private sector's talent development?
    Promotion is a effective incentive for employee.
v   If employee doesn't meet company need, the company can fire them
    Company invest in fresh graduate for talent development.
    Older employees, the higher the salary structure.
Q   During recession, what's following about the charateristic of Japanese government management is incorrect?
v   Local government spend more time and money for talent development
    Promotion chance decrease and it doesn't provide incentive anymore.
    Local government outsource job to private company or NGO and stop investing in talent development.
    Redundancy increase the workload of civil servants, therefore they don't have time to invest in themselves.
Q   Taiwan should learn from which of the following countries' service system?
v   Develop its own service system that belong to Taiwan

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