是非題:4 (○:3、╳:1)
選擇題:6 (A:1、B:1、C:2、D:2)
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog
Q r After watching the video, Betty wants to share what she just learned with her friends. However, she cannot recall this part. Please help her fill in the blanks. Soil amendments, such as synthetic fertilizers, not only ______________, damaging plants and organisms in the soil, they could also leach into groundwater and cause ______________.
  o decrease acidification / air pollution
v d accelerate acidification / water pollution
  d reduce acidification / air pollution
  a accelerate salinization / water pollution
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e According to the video, which sentence best describes the picture?
  y Before the food waste goes into the mixing tank, the workers need to wear rubber gloves to clean the machine.
  e Before the food waste goes into the mixing tank, the workers need to put scissors and plastic bags in the waste to increase friction.
v . Before the food waste goes into the mixing tank, the workers need to be sorted manually to remove non-food waste, such as plastic bags and utensils.
  r Before the food waste goes into the mixing tank, the workers need to use scissors to cut the waste into small pieces.
  o   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q d According to the video, what does the narrator mean when he says, “But a few months ago, he had news of a windfall.”
  d A few months ago, he heard some strange trivia about wind.
  a A few months ago, he saw a spectacular waterfall on TV.
  y A few months ago, he saw a newspaper that was blown away.
v e A few months ago, he got a piece of unexpected, good news.
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e In the video, Mr. Chang reached out to Mr. Hsu and offered the organic fertilizer he produced. Mr. Hsu said that the news sounded too good to be true, and he was skeptical.The word “skeptical” in this sentence is closest in meaning to…
v . doubtful
  r convinced
  o trusty
  d acknowledged
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a After watching the video, Ross is sorting out relevant information. Three disadvantages of conventional composting are mentioned in the video. However, he cannot recall this part. Please help him fill in the blanks.Conventional composting has three problems. Firstly, it takes a long time, from three to six months. Secondly, the process is messy, and ______________. Thirdly, ______________. 
  y the smell is quite good / it only needs a small space
  e the smell is not good / it costs a large amount of money
  y the smell is fragrant / it is too heavy to be carried along.
v e the smell is repelling / it takes up a lot of space
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r It takes Dr. Young and his team seven years to perfect the biodegradation method which he named TTT Technology. In order to speed up the process, at TTT AgriBiotech's headquarters, they use the same enzyme formula to deal with different kinds of waste.
v d
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a Decades ago, there were no synthetic fertilizers. Farmers used manure which was all natural for farming. It was organic farming in its truest sense, but it came with a huge drawback. _____________________. Therefore, farmers started using synthetic fertilizers once they became available. According to this paragraph, what is the huge drawback mentioned in the previous video?
  y The manure was heavy to carry.
  e Farmers considered it an old-fashioned method.
v y The crop yields were low.
  e People did not like to touch it.
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r Soil acidification is a sign that soil is degrading and it is a natural process. However, it should happen slowly. If the soil acidifies because of man-made factors, the pH levels of the soil will fall, acidity in the soil will increase, and soil acidification will accelerate. And Mother Nature cannot recover in time.
v o
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a Climate change is related to how we use our resources. The more we restore organic matter in the soil, the more we reduce greenhouse gases, the more we slow down climate change. Only when the soil is healthy can the plants be healthy, and our food is safe, and then we are healthy.
v y
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e Acidified soil over time will cause a lot of issues in crops such as growth, poor disease resistance, and increased susceptibility to various pests and diseases. And as a result, farmers will have no choice but to use more pesticides, which increases their production costs. Additionally, acidified soil will make nutrient uptake more difficult for crops, causing farmers to use even more fertilizers. But, the use of more fertilizers exacerbates the problem by adding acidic residues to the soil, creating a vicious cycle. Lastly, acidified soil may lead to malnutrition in crops, causing the price of crops to fall and affecting the livelihoods of the farmers.
v .
  o   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog

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