是非題:2 (○:2、╳:0)
選擇題:8 (A:4、B:1、C:2、D:1)
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog
Q r Christmas is traditionally a time for drinking too much, overeating, and falling asleep on the sofa. There are few more pleasant ways to induce indigestion than a traditional Christmas pudding. Britons eat 25 million of them every year. You might pin the blame for this on Dickens, who gave the flaming pudding a starring role in A Christmas Carol; but the recipe has hardly changed in 300 years.The word “hardly” in this sentence is close in meaning to…
v o never
  d totally
  d partly
  a completely
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e When the fresh pork arrives, almost three-quarters of its weight is liquid, so, first, they squeeze the meat. The vein squeezer gets rid of most of the blood, but the pork joint is still packed with moisture. The challenge is to remove the remaining liquid, and the simple solution is salt.
v y
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r After watching the video about Parma ham, Lora is sorting out relevant information. However, she cannot recall this part. Please help her fill in the blank.The curing is controlled carefully, so the ham absorbs just enough salt to preserve it. Some parts of the leg, such as the joint, the top, and the veins need _____ salt so that the meat won't smell. The leg starts to dry immediately. But if it dries too fast it will harden, preventing moisture inside from escaping.
v o extra
  d less
  d fresh
  a special
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e According to the video about Parma ham, which description is correct?
  y In winter, the legs are hung in ventilated, north-facing rooms with small windows.
  e During the process, the meat needs to be salted more than twice.
  . To stop the meat from getting too dry, the master salter will apply his own brand of moisturizer that is made of vegetables and black pepper.
v r Italian law has required that Parma ham is cured for at least 300 days from the date of first salting.
  o   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q d Before the meat can leave the factory it has to pass the ruthless quality control of Inspector Maurizio Zinelli. Armed with just his nose and a needle, he goes to work. He pricks the ham in five different places. By smell alone, he can tell if the meat's going bad.The word “ruthless” in this sentence is NOT close in meaning to…
  d serious
  a stern
v y simple
  e stringent
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e According to the video about Parma ham, which description is incorrect?
  . It takes its name from the rolling hills of Parma in Northern Italy.
v r The cured pork would turn rancid in a few days, but raw meat can be kept unrefrigerated for a year.
  o Only three breeds of pig are approved for use in Parma ham.
  d The pigs dine on a carefully regulated diet until they reach a weight of 160 kg.
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a You need something to balance out all that chewy fruit. In go 10 kg of breadcrumbs, 25 kilos of sugar, and 32 kilos of flour. It's a tasty mix that would fall apart the moment it hits the plate. The magic ingredient that holds it together is vegetable-based suet: a fat that melts and then sets the pudding as it cools.
v y
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e The historic village, Great Chesterford, Southern England, basks in the summer sun. But in the Cole's Puddings factory, Christmas is on the way. For 70 years, they've been making Christmas puddings using a traditional recipe. Now, they dish out 50,000 a week.The phrase “dish out” in this sentence is close in meaning to…
v . produce
  r invent
  o fork out
  d dump
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a After watching the video about Christmas pudding, Ada is sorting out relevant information. However, she cannot recall this part. Please help her fill in the blank.The problem with all these delicious ingredients is that sooner or later they go off, and nobody wants moldy pudding. A generous helping of _____ preserves the mix and gives it a little kick for grown-ups.
v y booze
  e fruits vinegar
  y enzyme
  e juice
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q r After watching the video about Christmas pudding, which step is not necessary during the process?
  o Bake the puddings in the steam oven when ready.
  d Use a giant food mixer to power through the glutenous gunge.
v d Squeeze some whipped cream for decoration.
  a Add some fat and then set the pudding as it cools.
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog

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