題庫總數:10 | ||
是非題:3 (○:1、╳:2) | ||
選擇題:7 (A:2、B:2、C:2、D:1) | ||
多選題:0 | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog | ||
Q | r | Today, wind turbines are so efficient that they don't need 144 blades, they only need four for a wind turbine. This layout was first developed in England in the 1950s. England is a wind power pioneer. Today, more than 40 percent of its electricity comes from the wind. |
o | ○ | |
v | d | ╳ |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | One of the first wind turbines ever built was in 1887, and it was massive. The rotor was 17 meters across. And it has 144 wooden blades. It was built by an American because he needed to power all of the electric lights in his massive mansion. |
v | y | ○ |
e | ╳ | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | The windiest place on earth is Antarctica. There the average annual wind speed is gale force. That's enough to knock you over.The phrase “knock sb. over” in this sentence is closest in meaning to… |
v | . | push sb. off |
r | tip sb. over | |
o | topple sb. over | |
d | break sb. down | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | Which of the following best describes the following picture? |
y | When the wind is against the wind, the blades will not move. | |
e | When the wind blows from the left, the blades create drag. | |
v | y | When the wind passes over the blade, it generates a lifting force. |
e | When the wind blows from top to bottom, the blades do not drop. | |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | r | When lightning strikes a hollow turbine blade, it rapidly heats the air inside to over 30,000 ºC. The air expands explosively, and the blade shatters. To protect them, the blades can be fitted with a special defense, copper tips. So, it can attract lightning as well as dissipate heat as fast as possible.According to this paragraph, what does “it can attract lightning as well as dissipate heat as fast as possible.” mean? |
o | The wind turbines can be recharged with lightning through copper tips. | |
v | d | The wind turbine can be protected by copper tips by dispersing high temperatures. |
d | Copper tips will know which blade of a wind turbine needs to be charged. | |
a | Copper tips will collect the power of lightning to convert it to electricity. | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | According to the audio file about the battery of Formula E racing car, why does the narrator say, “the technology and the chemistry within them is a bit more bespoke”? |
y | The battery is the same as a normal battery. | |
e | The battery can pass the message to users. | |
. | The battery is said to be long-lasting. | |
v | r | The battery is specially designed. |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | Here are some copper windings that carry the current, and these are wrapped around an iron core. Which of the following best describes the following picture? |
v | d | The current in the copper windings generates a magnetic field. |
a | The magnetic field is a racetrack for Formula E racing. | |
y | The magnetic field can efficiently attract foreign objects on the track. | |
e | The advice helps the rotating magnetic field automatically generated. | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | In the 1900s, there were more electric cars than cars that ran on gasoline. The first car race in America was held in 1895 between two electric cars and four gasoline-powered cars. None of the four gasoline-powered cars managed to finish. |
. | ○ | |
v | r | ╳ |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | Without a gas-guzzling engine, a Formula E racing car needs another energy source. Which of the following best describes the following picture? |
d | As the heart of the car, the mega batteries can move the car alone. | |
v | a | The electricity from the battery is converted into the motor system to move the car. |
y | The motor system and the mega battery can individually offer power. | |
e | As the helper of the batteries, the motor can offer electricity to strengthen the power. | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | This is a Formula E racing car. Weighing in at just over 800 kg and with a maximum speed of 225 kph. It may look like a Formula One car, but once you see the mechanics the similarities quickly end, and something revolutionary emerges.According to this paragraph, what does the host mean when he says, “something revolutionary emerges”? |
. | Formula E racing car is about to be eliminated. | |
r | The world's values will be turned upside down. | |
v | o | The technology of the car has made great progress. |
d | The speed of the car has not improved significantly. | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
a | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog |