題庫總數:20 | ||
是非題:0 | ||
選擇題:20 (A:1、B:6、C:8、D:5) | ||
多選題:0 | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog | ||
Q | r | What is NOT a challenge in operating Barra's beach airport? |
o | Atlantic weather | |
v | d | Shortage of passengers |
d | Runways disappearing at high tide | |
a | Debris on the runway | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | Why are jet engines not used for landing at Barra? |
y | They are too heavy for the runway. | |
e | They create too much noise. | |
. | They are more prone to technical failures. | |
v | r | They can suck up sand and cause damage. |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | What is NOT the purpose of the new breed of camera lenses made by Fujifilm? |
d | To capture more details | |
a | To capture 4K video | |
v | y | To create artistic distortions in images |
e | To film live sports | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | What is the difficulty in filming live sport? |
. | The sports venues are too big. | |
r | The equipment of the sports venues is backward. | |
v | o | High speed motion must be captured from a distance in low light conditions. |
d | There are many spectators at the competition site. | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | According to the video, what does the sentence "This is half the width of a human DNA strand" mean? |
y | Humans have not invented lens processing technology yet. | |
e | Lens processing technology is very backward. | |
v | y | Advanced lens polishing technology. |
e | Human DNA strands are very wide. | |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | r | How can people tell when Barra's airport is ready to return to service? |
o | Fixed service schedule | |
v | d | Four meter long windsock |
d | Changes in weather | |
a | Airport lights | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | After listening to the following description, choose the word that means the same as "fulfill the stated requirements." |
y | solve the problem with | |
v | e | meet the specifications |
. | capture | |
r | snap a picture | |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | What is the purpose of the anti-reflective coating applied to the lenses? |
d | To add a glossy finish to the lenses | |
a | To enhance the color saturation of images | |
y | To prevent the lenses from fogging up | |
v | e | To reduce stray light and improve contrast |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank. "A new breed of crystal clear camera lenses are being made to _______ every last drop of sweat and every strained muscle." |
. | contrast | |
v | r | capture |
o | resolution | |
d | polish | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | What role does the thin layer of optical paint play in the lens coating process? |
y | It enhances the lenses' durability. | |
e | It creates artistic patterns on the lenses. | |
y | It adds color to the lenses. | |
v | e | It blocks unwanted light rays from the side. |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | r | What can tractors and graders do for runways? |
o | Keep the soil from being damaged | |
v | d | Make the runway flat again |
d | Ensure there are no pedestrians on the runway | |
a | Set the signal for running into | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | After listening to the following description, choose the word that means the same as "more challenging than it seems." |
y | high tide | |
e | all sorts of | |
v | . | easier said than done |
r | low tide | |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | What are the three main areas that 4K lenses need to satisfy according to Nobuaki Toyama? |
d | High resolution, high contrast, high price. | |
a | High definition, low contrast, low dynamic range. | |
y | High resolution, low contrast, low dynamic range. | |
v | e | High resolution, high contrast, high dynamic range. |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | What is the difference between 4K and Full HD? |
. | 4K videos are relatively short. | |
r | Full HD technology requires high-performance machines. | |
o | 4K technology consumes better power. | |
v | d | 4K screens have more pixels. |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | What is the primary factor that determines the operating hours of Barra's airport? |
y | Air traffic control availability | |
e | Daylight hours | |
v | y | Low tide timings |
e | Weather conditions | |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | r | What is the primary reason for using Twin Otter aircraft at Barra's airport? |
o | They are cheaper to operate. | |
d | They are larger and can carry more passengers. | |
v | d | They can take off and land in a short distance. |
a | They are better suited for long-haul flights. | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | What is the "unique lifeline" for the people of the island of Barra? |
y | Livable climate | |
e | Rich crops | |
v | . | Airport built on the beach |
r | Good welfare facilities | |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | After listening to the following description, choose the word that means the same as "functioning." |
d | unique | |
v | a | operational |
y | rugged | |
e | inhabited | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | After listening to the following description, choose the word that means the same as " resolve the issue with." |
. | snap a picture | |
r | meet the specifications | |
v | o | solve the problem with |
d | state of the art | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank. "The island of Barra is one of the most __________ inhabited islands in the UK." |
v | y | remote |
e | operational | |
y | terminal | |
e | lifeline | |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
r | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog |