選擇題:30 (A:7、B:7、C:8、D:8)
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:過頭了
    Roll Over in Your Grave
    To Wear Many Hats
v   To Be Extra
    Beggars Can't be Choosers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:現金才是王道
    Catch Someone Red handed
v   Cash is King
    Pick Your Poison
    To be Resigned to Your Fate
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:已讀不回
    Go Green!
    Zero to Hero
v   Left on Read
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:響應環保
v   Go Green!
    Zero to Hero
    Left on Read
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:Jinx的意思
v   Jinx
    Go Green!
    Zero to Hero
    Left on Read
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:情義相挺
    Inside Job
    Null and Void
v   To Stick Your Neck Out
    Baseball: an American Tradition
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:不切實際的夢想
    Two Thumbs Up
v   Castles in the Sky
    Wild Card
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:太過昂貴
    What a Nightmare
v   Break the Bank
    Meet Cute
    Giving the Cold Shoulder
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:炫耀/炫耀文化
    Time is money
v   Flexing/Flex culture
    Have a Beef with
    Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:別無選擇
    Roll Over in Your Grave
    To Wear Many Hats
    To Be Extra
v   Beggars Can't be Choosers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:認命
    Catch Someone Red handed
    Cash is King
    Pick Your Poison
v   To be Resigned to Your Fate
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:引領風潮
    Two Thumbs Up
    Castles in the Sky
v   Buzzy
    Wild Card
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:時間就是金錢
v   Time is money
    Flexing/Flex culture
    Have a Beef with
    Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:貪心/手癢
    Time is money
    Flexing/Flex culture
    Have a Beef with
v   Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:玩弄
    Pig Out
    Using Shorthand
    Face the Music
v   Toy With Something
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:噩夢一場
v   What a Nightmare
    Break the Bank
    Meet Cute
    Giving the Cold Shoulder
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:刻意冷落
    What a Nightmare
    Break the Bank
    Meet Cute
v   Giving the Cold Shoulder
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:抓個正著
v   Catch Someone Red handed
    Cash is King
    Pick Your Poison
    To be Resigned to Your Fate
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:棒球: 一項美國傳統
    Inside Job
    Null and Void
    To Stick Your Neck Out
v   Baseball: an American Tradition
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:內賊犯罪
v   Inside Job
    Null and Void
    To Stick Your Neck Out
    Baseball: an American Tradition
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:失效
    Inside Job
v   Null and Void
    To Stick Your Neck Out
    Baseball: an American Tradition
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:令人震驚
v   Roll Over in Your Grave
    To Wear Many Hats
    To Be Extra
    Beggars Can't be Choosers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:可愛的邂逅
    What a Nightmare
    Break the Bank
v   Meet Cute
    Giving the Cold Shoulder
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:面對現實
    Pig Out
    Using Shorthand
v   Face the Music
    Toy With Something
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:難以預測的人或事情
    Two Thumbs Up
    Castles in the Sky
v   Wild Card
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:身兼數職
    Roll Over in Your Grave
v   To Wear Many Hats
    To Be Extra
    Beggars Can't be Choosers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:兩難擇一
    Catch Someone Red handed
    Cash is King
v   Pick Your Poison
    To be Resigned to Your Fate
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:對某人不滿
    Time is money
    Flexing/Flex culture
v   Have a Beef with
    Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:鹹魚翻身
    Go Green!
v   Zero to Hero
    Left on Read
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:高度評價
v   Two Thumbs Up
    Castles in the Sky
    Wild Card

    創作者 阿德 的頭像


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