選擇題:30 (A:8、B:8、C:7、D:7)
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:看運氣
    A Whale of A [something]
    Come in Handy
    Other Fish in the Sea
v   Luck of the Draw
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:如坐針氈
    Prima Donna/Diva
    Epic Fail
v   On Pins and Needles
    Rack Your Brains
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:煙消雲散
    Out Of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
    To Feel Torn or Pulled
    Hot Potato
v   Go Up in Smoke
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:可疑
    Green Thumb/Black Thumb
    Happy-go-lucky, a Stroke of Luck?
v   Something Fishy?
    Social Media Lingo
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:限時動態
    March to the Beat of Your Own Drum
    One Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel
v   Insta Stories
    Puppy Love
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:天后
v   Prima Donna/Diva
    Epic Fail
    On Pins and Needles
    Rack Your Brains
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:棘手的議題
    Out Of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
    To Feel Torn or Pulled
v   Hot Potato
    Go Up in Smoke
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:史上最慘
    Prima Donna/Diva
v   Epic Fail
    On Pins and Needles
    Rack Your Brains
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:天涯何處無芳草
    A Whale of A [something]
    Come in Handy
v   Other Fish in the Sea
    Luck of the Draw
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:每況愈下
v   Out Of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
    To Feel Torn or Pulled
    Hot Potato
    Go Up in Smoke
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:情緒化的人
    20/20 vision, hindsight is 20/20
    Vanish into thin air
    Makeup Tutorials
v   Drama Queen
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:很棒的…
v   A Whale of A [something]
    Come in Handy
    Other Fish in the Sea
    Luck of the Draw
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:左右為難
    Out Of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
v   To Feel Torn or Pulled
    Hot Potato
    Go Up in Smoke
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:化妝指導影片
    20/20 vision, hindsight is 20/20
    Vanish into thin air
v   Makeup Tutorials
    Drama Queen
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:派上用場
    A Whale of A [something]
v   Come in Handy
    Other Fish in the Sea
    Luck of the Draw
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:使用簡寫
    Pig Out
v   Using Shorthand
    Face the Music
    Toy With Something
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:訂閱盒
    Tune in, Tune out
    Swan Song
v   Subscription Boxes
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:純情的戀愛
    March to the Beat of Your Own Drum
    One Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel
    Insta Stories
v   Puppy Love
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:社群媒體用語
    Green Thumb/Black Thumb
    Happy-go-lucky, a Stroke of Luck?
    Something Fishy?
v   Social Media Lingo
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:特立獨行
v   March to the Beat of Your Own Drum
    One Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel
    Insta Stories
    Puppy Love
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:告別作
    Tune in, Tune out
v   Swan Song
    Subscription Boxes
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:極度關注, 魂遊象外
v   Tune in, Tune out
    Swan Song
    Subscription Boxes
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:絞盡腦汁
    Prima Donna/Diva
    Epic Fail
    On Pins and Needles
v   Rack Your Brains
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥
    March to the Beat of Your Own Drum
v   One Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel
    Insta Stories
    Puppy Love
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:種植高手/不會種植的人
v   Green Thumb/Black Thumb
    Happy-go-lucky, a Stroke of Luck?
    Something Fishy?
    Social Media Lingo
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:狼吞虎嚥
v   Pig Out
    Using Shorthand
    Face the Music
    Toy With Something
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:不插電
    Tune in, Tune out
    Swan Song
    Subscription Boxes
v   Unplug
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:樂天派/幸運事件
    Green Thumb/Black Thumb
v   Happy-go-lucky, a Stroke of Luck?
    Something Fishy?
    Social Media Lingo
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:視力1.0/後見之明
v   20/20 vision, hindsight is 20/20
    Vanish into thin air
    Makeup Tutorials
    Drama Queen
Q   請選出最接近中文意思的英文:憑空消失
    20/20 vision, hindsight is 20/20
v   Vanish into thin air
    Makeup Tutorials
    Drama Queen

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