題庫總數:20 | ||
是非題:5 (○:2、╳:3) | ||
選擇題:15 (A:6、B:5、C:3、D:1) | ||
多選題:0 | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog | ||
Q | r | 公務英文e-mail的簽名檔,不需要寫到寄件人的職稱。 |
o | ○ | |
v | d | ╳ |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)All of my colleagues, certainly including me, ____your professional speech you delivered at our university last week. |
y | has benefited greatly from | |
e | was benefited greatly from | |
v | y | have benefited greatly from |
e | is benefited greatly from | |
. | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | r | 公務英文E-mail如果有超過一個以上的附件,處理的方式是: |
o | 全部附上即是,不要遺漏即可 | |
v | d | 將每個附件編上編號,方便收信人索引檢閱 |
d | 將附件放在另一封E-mail上單獨寄出 | |
a | 用掛號的方式寄送紙本 | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)____seek the possibility of establishing the acadenic cooperation and exchange relationship between USU and NTPU. |
v | y | I am writing this e-mail to |
e | I am acting this e-mail to | |
. | I am speeching this e-mail to | |
r | I am listening this e-mail to | |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | 公務英文E-mail若是政策宣導函,它的本質在於: |
d | 針對政策本身的推動背景加以說明 | |
v | a | 針對宣導對象,並非特定某人或組織,告知應對之道 |
y | 針對未來可能之政策變化,先行交代來龍去脈 | |
e | 附上完整的法規釋字,已證明其真實性 | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | 公務英文E-mail若是邀請函,它的重點是: |
. | 稱讚邀請對象的身分與背景 | |
r | 說明邀請單位的背景與特色 | |
v | o | 在主旨部分扼要說明邀請的企圖與目的 |
d | 附上精美的參考附件提供參考 | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | 公務英文e-mail的特點與使用時機有下面幾項:歡迎與邀請、促使行動和說服、新計畫跟推動服務、發布訊息與提醒注意、要求回饋。 |
v | y | ○ |
e | ╳ | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | E-mail擁有節能環保、成本低廉、傳送快速又廣泛,也便於保存等優勢,非常適合公務人員無論對內或對外的聯繫。 |
v | . | ○ |
r | ╳ | |
o | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | 公務英文E-mail若是感謝函,它的特點在於: |
v | d | 感謝出自於邀請單位的真誠與謝意,無須長篇大論 |
a | 強調邀請對象非他/她不可的原因 | |
y | 說明未來可以繼續保持聯繫 | |
e | 介紹邀請單位的特色與歷史供對方參考 | |
y | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | e | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)____the delegation from Chinese Taipei, I feel that it is indeed a great pleasure for me to congradulate you on your bring elected as the president of this session of 2022 Conference of the Parties (COP). |
v | . | On behalf of |
r | Of course | |
o | On average | |
d | On fire | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | a | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)Thank you for your time in reading this e-mail, I ____your presence at this symposium. |
y | am interested in | |
v | e | am looking forward to |
y | am going to watch | |
e | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | . | 公務英文e-mail的主旨,越長越好,這樣收件人會更了解整封信的用意。 |
r | ○ | |
v | o | ╳ |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | 公務英文e-mail的內文中,引介、本文、結論可以隨便依照自己的想法排列。 |
a | ○ | |
v | y | ╳ |
e | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | y | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)If you need to leave Taiwan, please ____the "Travel Abroad Declaration and Aplication Form" and submit to OIA. |
e | face-to-face | |
v | . | fill out |
r | fall short of | |
o | feel sad | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)Your speech, ____, is scheduled for september 28, 2028, at NTPU. |
a | specially | |
y | suspiciously | |
v | e | specifically |
y | sensibility | |
e | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | . | 公務英文E-mail內文(Body Text)的部分,主要指的是? |
v | r | 目的與段落安排 |
o | 法令條文與規章 | |
d | 寒暄與私人問候 | |
d | 參考用的附件檔案 | |
a | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | y | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)For updated news about coronavirus pandemic, please____the flowing websites of TCDC. |
e | be used to | |
v | y | refer to |
e | confess to | |
. | in relation to | |
r | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | o | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)____the International Ambassabor of National Taipei University, I would like to invite you to deliver a speech at our faculty meeting in November 2022. |
v | d | Serving as |
d | Serving at | |
a | Serving in | |
y | Serving with | |
e | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | y | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)All foreigners who are allowed entry into Taiwan still have to ____ relevant quarantine measures. |
v | e | comply with |
. | go out with | |
r | deal with | |
o | compare with | |
d | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
Q | d | (請填入最適當的單字或片語來完成句子。)Your being an ____scolar and your relevant expertise and professionalism in English have been well-recignzed for over three decades. |
a | attitude | |
y | elite | |
e | adding | |
v | y | erudite |
e | r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e. | |
. | ||
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog |