選擇題:10 (A:1、B:1、C:0、D:2、E:6)
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog
Q r After completing an incident investigation, when developing corrective and preventive action plans, which of the following statements is not true?Developing corrective and preventive action plans assi...(以下略)
  o Developing corrective and preventive action plans assists in addressing the root causes of various incidents as well as identifying appropriate actions to prevent their recurrence.
  d The investigation may identify biosafety or biosecurity elements that may have failed to prevent the incident and provide insight and opportunities that allow for their correction.
  d Based on the investigation findings, the plans should identify actions to eliminate the immediate hazard (corrective plans) and mitigate the risk of the incident recurring (preventive plans).
v a Corrective and preventive action plans need to designate personnel responsible for implementation, but there is no need to confirm a timeline for completion.
  y Once the corrective and preventive action plans have been implemented, it is important to review their effectiveness and confirm that the identified root causes are being effectively controlled.
  e   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q y An incident is an event that has the potential to cause injury, harm, or damage, but does not include which of the following?exposures (that may cause disease)laboratory associated infections/ intoxic...(以下略)
  e exposures (that may cause disease)
  . laboratory associated infections/ intoxications
  r containment failures
  o biosecurity vulnerability
v d All of the above are considered types of incidents.
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q a Which of the following is not considered an emergency situation in the laboratory?
  y incidents or accidents
  e spills (e.g., chemical, biological, radiological)
  y discrepancy or violation of an inventory of pathogens or toxins
  e loss of containment (e.g., heating, ventilation, and air conditioning [HVAC] system failure)
v . All of the above are potential emergency situations in the laboratory.
  r   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q o Which of the following is not true regarding spills inside a centrifuge?If a broken centrifuge tube is discovered only after opening the centrifuge, you can immediately start the cleanup proceduresNot...(以下略)
v d If a broken centrifuge tube is discovered only after opening the centrifuge, you can immediately start the cleanup procedures
  d Notify the responsible facility supervisor (e.g., containment zone supervisor, biosafety officer).
  a Follow the instructions for general spill clean-up
  y All broken tubes, buckets, trunnions, and the rotor should be disinfected using a non-corrosive disinfectant effective against the relevant pathogens.
  e The centrifuge bowl should be swabbed with the same disinfectant, at the appropriate dilution, and then swabbed again, washed with water, and dried.
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e When conducting an incident investigation and performing a root cause analysis and identification, which of the following types of questions may be asked?Who were the people involved in the incident, ...(以下略)
  . Who were the people involved in the incident, such as personnel, bystanders?
  r What infectious material or toxin was involved in the incident?
  o When and where did the incident take place?
  d How did the incident happen; what factors contributed to the incident?
v d All of the above types of questions can be asked during the root cause analysis and identification process.
  a   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q y Which of the following is not included in the content of an emergency response plan for a laboratory?Types of incidents, hazard classification, and risk assessmentWarning, handling, and reporting mech...(以下略)
  e Types of incidents, hazard classification, and risk assessment
  y Warning, handling, and reporting mechanisms for incidents
  e Management of emergency response supplies inventory
  . Safety protection measures for response personnel
v r All of the above should be included in the laboratory's emergency response plan.
  o   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q d Which of the following is not a part of the spill response procedures?
  d Spills are the most common incidents.
v a Decontamination methods are not related to the location and size (volume) of the spill.
  y Personal safety is the top priority
  e Prevent the spread of contamination outside the immediate area
  y Personnel should receive thorough training to follow spill response procedures.
  e   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q . Regarding the 'Laboratory Biosafety Incident Reporting and Handling Process,' which of the following is not trueIf the biosafety incident is classified as low risk, the affected person should report i...(以下略)
  r If the biosafety incident is classified as low risk, the affected person should report it to the laboratory supervisor and keep a written record for future reference.
  o If the biosafety incident is classified as moderate risk, the affected person should immediately report it to the laboratory or storage area supervisor and keep a written record for future reference. The laboratory or facility supervisor should then report it to the biosafety officer and the biosafety committee.
  d If the biosafety incident is classified as moderate risk, and there is suspicion of personnel infection, the facility should report it to the local health bureau and inform the Centers for Disease Control.
  d If the biosafety incident is classified as high risk, the affected person or discoverer should immediately report it to the laboratory or storage area supervisor and keep a written record for future reference. The laboratory or facility supervisor should then report it to the facility's biosafety officer and biosafety committee. Additionally, the facility must report the incident to the local health bureau and the Centers for Disease Control within 24 hours.
v a All of the reporting processes mentioned are correct.
  y   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q e The investigation and reporting procedures for incidents may include the following. Which of the following is not included?Defining potential incidents and the triggers for reporting and investigation...(以下略)
  y Defining potential incidents and the triggers for reporting and investigation
  e Defining the sequence of events and the subsequent root cause(s) that led or contributed to the incident
  . Identifying the corrective actions to prevent a recurrence of the incident
  r Assessing the effectiveness of the preventive and corrective actions taken
v o All of the above content should be included in the incident investigation and reporting procedures.
  d   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
Q d When conducting an incident investigation and performing root cause analysis and identification, which of the following statements is not true?Ask why each event in the incident scenario happened.Putt...(以下略)
  a Ask why each event in the incident scenario happened.
  y Putting the “why” question in front of all the questions asked will help determine the basic causal factors and pathways that led to the incident.
  e Through the cascading series of “why” questions, the underlying root cause(s) that led or contributed to the incident can be determined when there are no further answers.
v y When asking 'why' questions, it is acceptable to use an open-ended inquiry approach without considering the specific incident context or laboratory-related processes and procedures.
  e Ask whether or not the incident was isolated or recurring, or accidental or intentional, especially where a breach of biosecurity has occurred
  .   r.o.d.d.a.y.e.y.e.
roddayeye整理,嚴禁抄襲 roddayeye.pixnet.net/blog

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